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Stacked Splashback tiles

Tile Splashback Ideas

Regardless of whether you prefer the term ‘splashbacks’ or ‘backsplashes’, there’s no denying their pivotal role in every kitchen. These functional protectors of your kitchen walls also serve as a canvas to infuse style and colour into your decor.

At Cheap Tiles Online, we appreciate the challenge that comes with the plethora of irresistible styles available.

But then again, having choices is part of the fun, right? From fun KitKat tiles to trendy Moroccan designs, let’s explore some of the best kitchen splashback tile ideas out there.

7 Tile Splashback Ideas

1. The Sweet Design of Kit Kat Tiles Splashbacks

Kit Kat splashback tilesCarrara Marble Kit Kat Honed Mosaic tiles

These sleek, slim tiles, reminiscent of your favourite chocolate treat, are making waves in the design world. Their small size belies their big impact. Available in a myriad of colours and tones, they can effortlessly blend into any interior style, from stark modern minimalism to the charm of heritage homes or the drama of new builds.

2. Vertical Elegance with Stacked Splashback Tiles

Stacked Splashback tiles


Opting for vertically stacked tiles like the Casablanca White Gloss Internal Wall tiles can create an illusion of increased space. The clean lines elongate the kitchen, making it appear taller and more spacious. This is an ideal choice if you want your splashback to be a standout feature without compromising on your kitchen’s perceived size.

3. Embrace Earthy Charm with Rustic, Stone-Look, and Handmade Splashback Tiles

Handmade splashback tiles


For those who appreciate the earthy allure of rustic-style kitchens, stone-look and handmade-look tiles are perfect. With tiles like our Picasso Diastripe Rustic and Picasso Mix Rustic, texture takes centre stage, offering a delightful tactile experience.

4. Make a Statement with Bold-Coloured Splashback Tiles

Bold coloured splashback tiles


If classic white doesn’t resonate with you, consider the vibrant trend of colourful kitchens. The Casablanca Red Gloss Internal Wall tile is an excellent example of how tiles can introduce a lively pop of colour into your kitchen. The organic variation and texture ensure the colour maintains its impact without becoming overwhelming.

5. Creative Expression with Geometric Splashback Tiles

Geometric Splashback tiles


Unleash your creativity with art deco range tiles featuring geometric patterns like our stunning Picasso Shadow Grey Internal Matte tiles. This choice allows you to make a unique statement that goes beyond the ordinary.

6. Inject Personality with Colourful Patterned Tiles

Patterned Splashback tilesPicasso Star Baby Blue tiles

Break away from the overused white subway tile and embrace colour. Opt for tiles in bold hues like blue, green, or pink to infuse your kitchen with personality. It’s an opportunity to do something different and visually engaging.

7. Exotic Flair with Moroccan-Inspired Splashback Tiles

Moroccan Inspired Splashback tiles


Moroccan-inspired tiles are a popular choice for kitchens and bathrooms alike. Their intricate designs and captivating colours add an exotic touch to any space. Consider our Moroccan Persian Blue Internal Gloss tiles for a unique splashback design that transports you to the vibrant markets of Morocco every time you step into your kitchen.

How to choose tiles for splashback?

Choosing tiles for your splashback can be quite a task, but it doesn’t have to be daunting. Keep these points in mind as you make your decision:

1. Consider Your Kitchen’s Overall Style

Your splashback isn’t an isolated element; it should harmonise with your kitchen’s overall theme. A contemporary kitchen may benefit from tiles featuring clean lines and striking colours, while a rustic or country-style kitchen might be better suited to earth-toned tiles that offer a sense of warmth and homeliness.

2. Think About Maintenance

The practicality of your chosen tiles is just as important as their visual appeal. Glossy tiles, for instance, are typically easy to clean, making them a practical choice for areas prone to splashes and spills. Textured tiles, while visually interesting, may require more effort to keep clean.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

While it’s essential to ensure your splashback complements your kitchen, don’t feel confined to safe or traditional options. Feel free to step outside your comfort zone with bold, vibrant tiles that can serve as a focal point, injecting personality and flair into your space.

4. Bear Your Budget in Mind

Tiles come in a wide range of prices, so it’s crucial to establish a budget before you begin shopping. However, remember that a stunning splashback doesn’t have to break the bank. With careful selection, affordable tiles can still create a high-impact visual effect.

5. Ask for Samples

It can be challenging to visualise how a particular tile will look in your kitchen based on an image or showroom display alone. Don’t hesitate to ask for samples. By doing this, you can see firsthand how the tile’s colour, texture, and finish would work in your space. This can provide peace of mind before you commit to your final choice.

What is the best type of tile for the splashback?

The best type of tile for your splashback ultimately depends on your personal style, practical needs, and budget. If you’re after a modern, sleek look, consider opting for finger tiles or vertical tiles.

For a homely, earthy atmosphere, rustic or stone-look tiles could be the perfect choice. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not experiment with bold colours, geometric patterns, or exotic Moroccan-inspired designs?

Remember, the best tile isn’t just about aesthetics but also practicality – consider how easy the tiles will be to clean and maintain. And, of course, always keep your budget in mind.

What are the best kitchen splashback tiles to choose from?

When considering the best kitchen splashbacks to choose from, here are some popular options to ponder:

1. Ceramic Tiles

Versatile and budget-friendly, ceramic tiles offer a wide range of colours, textures, and patterns. They’re heat-resistant, easy to clean, and durable, making them a practical choice for your kitchen.

2. Glass Tiles

These are a sleek and modern option that seamlessly fits into contemporary kitchen designs. They’re easy to maintain, resist moisture, and provide a luminous, reflective surface that can make your kitchen feel brighter.

3. Porcelain Tiles

Known for their exceptional durability, porcelain tiles are resistant to stains, scratches, and heat. They come in a wide variety of designs, including those that mimic the look of natural stone or wood.

4. Natural Stone Tiles

For an earthy, rustic charm, nothing beats natural stone. Options like granite, marble, or travertine can add a touch of luxury to your kitchen, but keep in mind they require regular sealing to prevent staining.

What tile finish is best for kitchen splashback tiles?

If you’re after a dramatic, reflective look that can create an illusion of more space in your kitchen, glossy finish tiles might just be the answer. They reflect natural light beautifully, making your kitchen appear brighter and larger. Plus, they’re easy to clean – a real bonus for your busy kitchen. However, keep in mind that smudges and fingerprints can show up more easily on these shiny surfaces.

If you lean towards a more traditional style with a subtle, natural look, consider matte tiles for your kitchen splashback ideas. Unlike gloss, they don’t reflect light, making smudges and scratches less noticeable. These tiles are perfect for a more relaxed or rustic kitchen design.

For those who want the best of both worlds, a lappato finish could be your ideal pick. Offering a semi-polished, semi-matte look, these tiles add a touch of sophistication to any modern kitchen.

In the end, the best tile finish for your kitchen splashback will be one that not only matches your personal style but also meets your kitchen’s practical needs. Whether you choose gloss, matte, or lappato, it should make you smile every time you walk into your white-tiled kitchen.

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