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Monday 3 October 2022

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Mosaic Tiles

Looking to spice up your home interiors? Why not give mosaic tiles a try? For starters, mosaic tiles come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours – allowing for exceptional creativity. Their texture and look also give a unique flavour of industrial design that can help to bring any interior space to life. Furthermore, since mosaic tiles can easily be mounted almost anywhere from floors to walls and even ceilings, you’re practically guaranteed endless possibilities for giving your space a distinct flair.

Moreover, mosaic tiles are also durable compared to ceramic tiles and glass tiles, making them perfect for high-traffic areas where they won’t succumb quickly to scratches or wear and tear. So go ahead and put the wow factor into your home design with beautiful mosaic tiles! ​Your mosaic project will surely make a difference once you use the perfect tiles that reflect your decoration and preferences.

A Striking Range of Mosaic Tiles

The right set of mosaic tiles can make all the difference when it comes to creating a stunning and inviting space where you, your family, and your friends can relax. At Cheap Tiles Online, you’ll find an array of options that will suit any budget. There’s something for everyone, from classic blend collections to handcrafted murals and rather striking geometric shapes. Plus, with our selection of colourways ranging from vibrant to muted, you’re sure to find exactly what you’re looking for. So whether you’re looking for a perfect kitchen backsplash or an eye-catching updated shower area, Cheap Tiles Online has got you covered! Get ready for a dynamic display of beautiful mosaics – our range has never been so delightful!

Shop our range of mosaic tiles to create a unique, eye-catching statement in your home.

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Showing 64–84 of 225 results

Delivered Australia-wide

At Cheap Tiles Online, we make sure your mosaic tiles arrive to you quickly, safely, and in perfect condition. We deliver all our products Australia-wide via a number of delivery partners starting at $49!


  • Brisbane Metro
  • Far North QLD Metro
  • Sydney Metro
  • Melbourne Metro
  • Adelaide Metro


  • Brisbane Regional
  • QLD Regional
  • NSW Regional
  • VIC Regional

If you need more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced team. We’re here to help you create your perfect mosaic tile look!

Popular Mosaic Tile Types

Mosaic tiles are a popular design element in many homes, adding a bit of colour and texture to any room. There are many types of mosaic tile, each with different characteristics and qualities that can bring out the best in your decor:

If you need help when it comes to choosing mosaic tiles, our team of experienced professionals can provide you with the guidance and advice you need. So, what are you waiting for? Shop mosaic tiles online today at Cheap Tiles Online! We’re sure that we have something to suit your needs.


Which areas are suitable for mosaic tiles?

Mosaic tiles are a great way to add vibrant colours and personality to any space. Whether you want to embellish a kitchen backsplash, add flair to a bathroom wall, or simply brighten up an outdoor patio, mosaic tiles can make the perfect choice. Mosaic tiles are highly durable, making them suitable for high-traffic areas such as entryways and bathrooms.

For the best results with corner installations, opt for pieces made from clay or porcelain — these materials are less prone to cracking or chipping compared to other materials like glass. With their remarkable versatility, mosaic tiles truly shine when used in creative applications such as formulating customized patterns on walls or floors. Whether it’s modern flat shapes or classical terracotta-tilted ones, there’s never been a better time to explore the world of mosaic tiles!

What are the different types of mosaic tiles?

Mosaic tiles are a great way to add a unique touch to any home décor. But what exactly are they? Well, they come in all shapes and sizes, literally! These tiny little pieces of coloured glass or ceramic create beautiful patterns that can be used on walls and floors to create one-of-a-kind designs.

Mosaic tiles come in different types depending on the material used, such as glass, porcelain, terracotta, marble, or even mirror. Each type of material offers a distinct look and feel – with glass offering the most colourful choices and marble adding a more high-end effect. With the myriad of possibilities available through mosaic tile design, you can create something uniquely yours! So what are you waiting for – grab some tiles and get creative!

Do mosaic tiles look good?

Are you looking for a way to bring a bit of sparkle and shine into your home? Whether it’s a bright backsplash in the kitchen or an eye-catching detail in the bathroom, mosaic tiles can certainly help to make a statement. But if style isn’t your only concern, then fear not! Mosaic tiles are also incredibly versatile and resilient, making them perfect for any area of the home that experiences frequent foot traffic.

Best of all, with its multitude of colours and patterns available, you can find the perfect look for any space – from cheerful pops of colour that make cooking more fun to subtle hues that add sophistication and elegance. In short, whether used sparingly or more generously, there’s no doubt that mosaic tiles will help bring out the best in every space – and ensure your interior looks good for many years!

Are mosaic tiles easy to keep clean?

When it comes to mosaic tiles, it’s easy to assume that keeping them clean would be an arduous task. After all, with so many tiles and grout lines, how can one keep up with such a complicated cleaning job? Surprisingly enough, the answer is actually relatively simple: keep on top of it! Just like any other type of tile, regular mopping and dusting of mosaic tiles⁠—especially in high-traffic areas⁠—can help ensure that buildup and debris are kept at bay. And as a bonus, none of the tiny tiles will go missing if you decide to mop or scrub the floor—unlike a certain type of “tiny” pet owner may experience when their feathered friends get loose!

Regularly using a neutral detergent should do the trick for more stubborn spots. So no need to be threatened by those gorgeous mosaic tile floors. As long as you stay consistent with your cleaning habits, you’ll be repaid with an attractive and low-maintenance tiled backdrop in no time!

Do you offer samples?

Are you overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tiling options at Cheap Tiles Online? Well, never fear! We offer samples so that you can make a fully informed decision – without breaking the bank. For only $4 per sample (including shipping), you can take a sneak peek of any tile before committing. And, as an added bonus, we’ll even refund up to 5 samples when you place your order. So, go ahead and test-drive our products and make sure they meet all your wants, needs, and desires – no strings attached!

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