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Large Bathroom Tiles

Make your bathroom look and feel bigger by choosing large bathroom tiles. Large bathroom tiles can make a small room appear more spacious and open, and they can also give a luxurious feel to a larger bathroom.

Our eye-catching range of large bathroom tiles

At Cheap Tiles Online, we have an extensive range of large bathroom tiles that are perfect for creating a stylish and modern space. Whether you’re looking for glossy white porcelain tiles to create a clean and minimalist look, or for something more unique and eye-catching, we have a tile that will suit your needs.

Shop our range of large bathroom tiles today and transform your space.

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Showing 1–21 of 199 results

Large tile bathroom ideas

Need some inspiration for your large tiled bathroom? From luxurious marble bathrooms to sleek and modern designs, here are some of our favourite large tile bathroom ideas.

Delivered Australia-wide

We offer reliable and fast shipping to all states with competitive rates starting at only $49.


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  • QLD Regional
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  • VIC Regional
For more information, click here or contact us today at 1300 818 641.

Other popular bathroom tile styles


What size are large stone tiles?

Large tiles can range from 300 mm x 600 mm to 600 mm x 1200 mm.

Are large tiles popular for bathrooms?

Definitely! Large tiles can make small bathrooms look bigger and give a luxurious feel to larger bathrooms. Plus, they’re much easier to keep clean than smaller tiles. With fewer grout lines, there are fewer places for dirt and grime to hide.

Are large bathroom tiles easier to clean?

Yes. Due to fewer grout lines, large tiles are easier to clean and require less maintenance than smaller tiles.

Are large tiles better?

With fewer grout lines, larger tiles give the impression of more space and streamline the overall design. The larger tiles are more uniform in appearance because of the variety in their movement and colour.

How do you clean large bathroom tiles?

The best way to clean large bathroom tiles is with a damp mop or cloth. For tougher stains, you can use a mild detergent or tile cleaner. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the surface of the tile. For more information, we recommend reading our tile care and maintenance guide.

Can I use large tiles on the walls?

Yes, you can use large tiles on the walls. In fact, most interior designers use large bathroom floor tiles and large bathroom wall tiles all throughout the bathroom, from floor to wall, to create a cohesive look.

What is the best size tile for a small bathroom?

The best tile size for a small bathroom is 300mm x 600mm. This size tile will make the room appear larger and is easier to keep clean.

What is the best size tile for a large bathroom?

The best tile size for a large bathroom is 600mm x 1200mm. This size tile will make the room appear more luxurious and is easier to keep clean.

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